360°图片 360°视频 图片库 价格表

Citation rules

All materials used on AirPano.com website, including text, photos and graphic images, are copyrighted. For use of AirPano.com information online on a non-commercial website you must add a direct search engine compatible link to the www.airpano.com website. If you want to use our content on a commercial website please write us to info@airpano.com to get a permission.

Required link:

Text of the linkSource: AirPano.com

HTML code

Embed 360° photo into your site:

You can add our 360° panoramas to your website. Just click on the "Share" button, which is located under every 360° panorama. You will see the window with iframe embed code for your site. You can change the width and the height of the frame, where panorama will be shown. See below how it looks like on the page. We recommend to use not more than one embed code on each page.

Embed panorama into your site

Embed 360° video into your site:

You can add our 360 videos to your website. Just click on the link "Get embed code", which is under every 360° video. You will see the window with iFrame embed code for your site. You can change the width and the height of the frame, where panorama will be shown. We recommend to use not more than one embed code on each page.

Embed video into your site

Other usage of our images:

If you want to print our images, get high resolution files or change panoramas in any ways (background for 3D rendering, adding some additional info, logo or objects to our panoramas etc.), the enquiry must be sent to info@airpano.com.

iFrame embed code demo: